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Why trainees and instructors prefer AR training

Powerful gains at a lower cost
AR training offers substantial, long-term cost-savings by decreasing average training times and error rates, providing easy accessibility and repeatability of complex scenarios, and even reducing wear and tear on equipment from use in training.
True-to-life combat training
Standalone AR provides realistic sensory immersion, enabling digital soldiers to develop improved situational awareness and quick-response skills in unpredictable, combat-likely scenarios not possible with traditional training methods.
Improved battlefield readiness
With the ability to capture highly granular trainee performance data, AR enables heightened evaluation and monitoring of individual cognitive performance and overall program efficacy in real-time and after action review.

How is AR being used in 
simulation training today?

Combat Readiness
With advanced tracking capabilities and immersive sensory feedback, AR training prepares soldiers for real-world combat situations.
Command and Control
AR delivers real-time battlefield visualization at the point of need, vastly improving situation awareness and cross-communication while decreasing logistical burden for mission planning, joint exercises, after-action review and combat training.
Special Operations
With highly portable, easy-to-use AR, special operations teams can safely train for hard-to-replicate and high-risk scenarios like hostage rescues, special reconnaissance, and disaster relief.
Collaborative Training
Training in a real-world environment with AR elements and avatars accelerates decision-making and response time for high-stress, complex combat scenarios while significantly reducing costs long-term.

Why Magic Leap 2?

Robust security

Easy to use

Lightweight comfort

Seamless integration

Magic Leap 2 is the ideal immersive headset for training the modern warfighter. As a lightweight, standalone device, trainees can move freely without worrying about cables or PCs. Additionally, its direct-to-eye optics minimize nausea, ensuring trainees stay focused on the critical tasks at hand.

Offering key integrations with software and platforms like Avrio and Sphere, Magic Leap 2 transforms traditional training practices into realistic, sensory training experiences where trainees learn faster and retain skills longer.

Concerned about device security? We understand the importance of protecting your sensitive data. That's why Magic Leap 2 is fully TAA-compliant, meeting the highest standards of quality and performance.

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